A Special In-Person Delivery

WeaverCraft Hall - Terrace
Festive to the eyes if not also the ears, this courtyard is filled to the brim with life. Around the edges of the large expanse of space, brightly blossomed plants stare into the open expanse with petalled faces of red, yellow, and blue. Between the cobblestones that carpeted the ground of the area, tiny white flowers have thrived, filling in dark crevices with their cloud like flowers which remain just low enough to avoid all feet that may be rushing across.
The cliff-face into which most of the rooms have been chiseled takes a commanding presence. On any given day, new brilliant banners can be seen dangling off the balcony that rests high above or from assorted windows. The great doors themselves, which usually remain open, revealing the great hall, have been painted in likeness to the leafy denizens lounging about.

Bright colors wave slowly in the gentle breeze, giving the Weavercraft a festive appearance in the midmorning sun, but it isn't long before a number of the banners find themselves moving with a bit more force, caught in the airflow from a large, dark brown dragon who is landing near once side of the courtyard. As wings are folded to his back, a man carefully slips from his side, brushing gray tinged curls from his face as he removes his helmet. A moment to check his bearings and leave a comment for Tebinth to 'stay put', and he is headed towards the Hall, looking rather determined.

The open terrace of the Weavercraft hall isn't very busy this morning. But even so, several groups of people toil here and there under supervision or alone preparing baskets and sacks of cloth for shipments leaving later that day before classes start. The linger aroma of breakfast is just starting to clear.

With the arrival of a Dragon and his Rider, activity ceases for a moment with everyone watching the Rider with curiosity and speculation. Then a handful of journeymen and senior apprentices start directing work again. One senior apprentice, wearing an ankle length dress almost a gown with it's workmanship, Jiasle, instead directs her group back into the crafthall reminding the juniors to head for their classes with their work shift done as Jiasle herself begins to walk across the terrace parallel to the dragonrider.

Tebinth settles down after a moment, stretching out the best he can in the confines of the courtyard, without (hopefully) getting too much in anyone's way. A large facetted eye watches the going-ons, mostly tracking his rider's progress. As a herd of apprentices moves in front of him up to the hall, Dr'ven pauses to let them pass, taking the moment to glance around the courtyard. Jiasle's solitary progress draws his attention, and he moves to intercept her. "I'm sorry.. but maybe you can point me in the right direction?" A hand is run through his hair, and a longer look might reveal a hint of franticness on his face.

Jiasle comes to stop as she intercept, clasping her hands in front of her at the waist with a quiet polite smile as she listens to Dr'ven. She nods slightly, saying "Of course, where are you trying to get to?" she asks in a quiet but clear voice.

Sheepishly, the aging brown rider clears his throat as he glances away from Jiasle, starting his explanation after a moment. "Well, you see.." A pause and he finally glances back up. "My daughter, she's having her first baby.. Our first grandchild. And, well.. I told her mother I'd handle a blanket. And.." Maybe he forgot. "It.. its sort of important. And I may be a little.. late about it." So he waves a hand around him. "I was, well.. hoping maybe that if I came to the source.."

Jiasle nods slightly, blue eyes closing partial as she seems to think then open again and she says "I imagine you could find something certainly.". Her hands unclasp to fall natural by her sides and she glances briefly around before beckoning Dr'ven, "Please follow me, I can show you to the showroom." as she turns and walks towards the large entrance of the crafthall.

"Oh, thank Faranth.. Thank you.." Drv murmurs quickly. "She wants this one shade of gr-" And then hands go to his pockets and he is hurriedly ruffling through them. "One shade of green. She.. gave me a piece of cloth." And then he is turning to look back across the courtyard the way he came. "Uhm.. one moment. I.. I don't know if I dropped it.." And he starts to retrace his steps towards Tebinth, eyes on the ground.

Jiasle comes gracefully to a stop a step or two after she started, deftly stepping aside someone walking with a large bag as she turns to watch Dr'ven calling out politely "Do mind your surrounding, the carts will be brought in soon.". Blue eyes watch him thoughtfully for a moment, then she glances around the terrace looking to see if any random swathe of green cloth was being played with by the wind.

Hands continue to pat at his pockets as he looks, though he comes up short as he hears Jiasle's called warning about the carts. Probably a good thing too. After a moment, he is back at Tebinth's side, rummaging instead in the various pouches and pockets attached to him. A moment later, a flash of green is seen, and then its caught and dragged across the courtyard by the breeze. "Shards." He mutters, trying to close the bags back up quickly to chase after the errant fabric.

A thoughtful frown creases Jiasle's lips as she watches the errant fabric caught by the breeze, then her own outfit with a shake of her head. Glancing through the people currently heading into the hall, she doesn't see whoever she's looking for and sighs. A glance to find the fabric and she begins to intent watch it to identify it's color more precisely before walking across the terrace to the Dr'ven, still watching the fabric mostly. "If you do not start now, that fabric is going to blow off the side of the terrace. The carts come from the other side so wouldn't need worry about them if you sprint. Otherwise, I believe I've seen the color well enough I could match it if something in the showroom is the same." she says in a polite quiet voice. as she walks with a measured pace limited by her dress coming to a stop near Dr'ven and Tebinth.

The fabric catches for a moment on a tuff of flowers that grow between the cracks of the cobble stones, and Dr'ven is able to make it there and snag it before it goes too far. However, he isn't the only one moving, for Tebinth is shifting to turn that large eye on Jiasle, as they wait for the brownrider to return. The cloth is waved as he closes the distance. "Ok, I think I'm.." And he glances over his shoulder at Tebinth, tilting his head in silent conference, before he finishes his words aloud. "Ready. Apologies.. " And he motions her back towards the hall, green fabric grasped tightly in his fist.

Jiasle nods slightly, a quiet smile on her lips again. She turns and heads back across the terrace as the sound of carts can be heard being pushed by humans or pulled by runners towards the area. As they cross to the great doors, she holds a hand out expectantly for a moment before saying "May I see the swath of fabric?" as the pass through the door and she leads the way to the large interior show rooms.

"Oh, Oh of course.." Drv says hurriedly, trying to smooth out the swatch before he offers it to the weaver by his side. "I, well, I sort of figured it might not be perfect but.. I held about twenty colors to my daughter's life mate, and that one seemed to be the closest." Empty hand goes through his hair once more. "I knew I should have been here sevendays ago, but.. I don't know how time went so fast."

Jiasle nods slightly, listening even as she examines the swatch of fabric checking it's color closely and the material of it between fingers for almost a minute before offering it back as she stops outside the door of the showroom to let a small group exit before stepping in and looking around. Most the area is covered in human shaped figurines displaying various outfits and designs but Jiasle leads the way to an off to the side enclove filled with various bedding, tapestries, and carpets. Looking at the various items, a journeyman steps up to Jiasle saying "There you are, senior most apprentice or not you should be on time! You know better." his voice scolding, not that Jiasle seems to pay him to much attention as she scans the displayed goods, and answers off hand "I understand Journeyman Wilse." which only gets her an exasperated look before the journeyman notices Dr'ven.

As Jiasle earns a scolding, Dr'ven is frowning, waiting for him to finish speaking before he response as well - "I'm sorry, it was my fault.. I caught her in the courtyard, and well, she agreed to help me." As Jiasle glances over the options, Dr'ven's eyes wander before glancing back to the Journeyman. "Though, I may need to beg more forgiveness, depending, Journeyman Wilse." Head is tilted towards the Senior Apprentice, and his mouth opens and closes a few times before the next words are spoken. "I am wondering if Apprentice…" And then the aging brownrider realizes he never got the young woman's name, "Well, if the apprentice wouldn't mind making an in-person delivery to Monaco Bay with me. And, well, possibly in staying on for a while. We have eggs on the Sands And Tebinth…"

Journeyman Wilse looks a little shocked, but recovers quickly nodding to Dr'ven, "Of course dragonrider, no, no. She was in the right then." he says looking at Jiasle who continues to ignore both Wilse and Dr'ven as she moves among the wares folding blankets over in a large pile looking through them. "Apprentice Jiasle is suppose to be helping on the showroom, so I guess technically she isn't late." as he glances at her with a frown as the she continues to sift through the blankets pulling out several different ones in bright greens with various embroidery. Then the Journeyman is frowning slightly at Dr'ven "I-, umm…" he stammers slightly, managing to say "That would be up to the masterweaver in charge of her." he says with a cough, to which Jiasle final speaks up saying "He means my mother." to which a echoing voice in the higher lilt than Jiasle from behind Dr'ven says "He means me." at the same time Jiasle spoke, and the apprentice actually does stop to look up past Dr'ven at a older lady wearing a master knot of the craft, who looks much like Jiasle. The journeyman makes a slight ack noise, and quickly retreats back a bit as the hazel eye blond master comes to a stop. "I am Kathine, a pleasure to meet you rider. Jiasle, do come over here dear.".

Fingers pluck absently at the edges of the closet pile of woven goods, as Wilse backtracks some, and Dr'ven's gaze shifts to watch Jiasle's progress through the stacks. Just as he is opening his mouth to ask about how to find said Master, Jiasle answers and another voice pipes up. Fingers freeze in their fidgeting and he turns to glance at the new arrival, inclining his head. "Monaco Bay's duties, ma'am. Dr'ven, of brown Tebinth. Apologies for the… uhm.. request. It is of course up to both of you.." And he nods his head at Jiasle, including her in the statement.

Kathine studies Dr'ven, with enough intent she could probably guess his fittings just from observing, while Jiasle looks polite but a touch sullen standing beside her mother holding two emerald green blankets, one done in a quilted like pattern with slightly differing shades of emerald creating a diamond like design, the other embroidered elaborately with a landscape in various color threads, depicting what might be Fort Hold and the surrounding lands. Kathine looks from Dr'ven to the two blankets and nods in satisfaction before examining her daughter who doesn't look her in the eye. "Well dear?" Kathine asks Jiasle. Holding out the two blankets to Dr'ven, she says "The two match the color your brought best." in a polite voice. Kathine tsks slightly, watching. After maybe a minute, Jiasle finally looks at her mother and says "And yes, you should know better than anyone I want to go." her voice heating. Kathine pats Jiasle's hair, saying "Stop being so mild daughter, if you never voice your thoughts no one will know what they are in any median." as she takes the diamond pattern blanket and says to Dr'ven "This one is apprentice made, well done certainly. The other," which Jiasle holds up so it can be seen better, "Is master made. If I'm not mistaken, and Wilse can correct me if I am, it's two marks for the apprentice blanket, and seven for the master. And my apprentice is free to go with you, hopefully she'll learn to be more forthcoming and open." the last said with a bright smile for Dr'ven.

Frozen in place, the brownrider's gaze slips from mother to daughter, master to apprentice, waiting to see what happens. Breath is slowly exhaled as Jiasle mentions her willingness to go, and a grin creeps across his face. "Tebinth will be so excited to hear.. We can take you back with us, if you are ready today, or send someone back, if you have a number of farewells.." He offers, trying to be helpful. The diamond pattern blanket is indicated with a nod of his head, and his hand is reaching for a pocket and his marks. "They're both wonderful, but I don't think any of us can subject a master's work to everything that comes with a baby.." Or comes *from* a baby as the case may be.

Kathine smile in amusement, as if something more about the situation with the blankets amuses her. Jiasle looks slightly mollified as she careful folds the blanket in her own hands back up and places it back on the stack of them. "I need only get my sack." Jiasle says in her quiet voice, her mother nodding slightly as if that was expected, and says to her "I'll see about getting your father to back more of your things from the Hold to send on dear. Do take care." as she folds with expertise the blank in her own hands into a diamond shaped package which she hands to Dr'ven. "Please do take care of my daughter dragonrider." Kathine says to Dr'ven, as she takes accepts the marks, and then hands a half mark from the set to Jiasle saying "Your share of course apprentice for a well made product. Now come, lets get your things and I will see about getting your wherhide jacket for the trip too. We will meet you in the terrace Rider Dr'ven." as she leads her daughter away.

"Take your time, miss." Dr'ven offers, busying himself with rearranging the location of gloves and helmet so that he can still get to them, and carry the preferred blanket. A quick flash of surprise crosses his face as the mark piece is passed to the new candidate, but it settles into a smile, and he nods. "Of course, ma'am." As they depart, he lingers for a moment before turning back to the terrace, where he hurries - mindful of the carts - to Tebinth's side, the blanket packed away as he waits.

Jiasle comes walking out of the crafthall with a large ruck that doesn't look over packed, her dress still visible under the long wherhide jacket. Her mother is not in sight through news spread fast it seems as several journeymen, apprentices and a couple of masters are with her talking exciting through Jiasle herself answers with an air of quiet maturity, breaking from the group as they stop half way across the terrace saying their goodbyes, she responding in kind before coming to a stop infront of Dr'ven. "Sorry for the wait."

"As I said, take your time. I rather owe you, after…" A cough and he tilts his head. "If you run into weyrwoman Nadina, please don't mention how late my visit was here?" Happy weyrmates, happy life, after all. A wave, and he offers a hand to get her mounted, while Tebinth is even a gentleman, readjusting his forelimb to make the ascent easier for the young woman. "We'll just get you settled in, and we'll be on our way, and there in no time."

Jiasle's head tilts slightly, but then she nods in agreeance to the request before accepting the assistance up, arranging her dress carefully as she does settle into place. Once in place, she does pat the back of the large brown, murmuring a thank you to Tebinth for the assistance, before saying the same to Dr'ven.

With the apprentice-candidate settled, Drv isn't long in settling down as well, straps hooked and buckled and double checked before with a silent command, Tebinth is taking off, and once they clear the hall, it is just a short hop between to the warm climate of Monaco, and a new chapter for Jiasle.

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