New Beginnings

Monaco Bay Weyr - Candidate and Weyrling Barracks
Huge in its own right, this series of interlinked caverns is the complex that houses both candidates and weyrlings. Fashioned out of a multitude of hollows, it serves as a central gathering area as well as classroom. A number of deep pockets have been laborously smoothed to provide comfortable dwellings for the young dragons and their riders away from the weather of the central area, and affording them some privacy but not much. Above, the cavern opens to the sky, holding out the worst of the island's weather but allowing an aerial exit and providing natural lighting to the area. Branching off from this cavern is an opening that leads to the exercise yard, and another carved passage that leads onto the hatching sands - though this entrance is typically closed tight to prevent mischief.

Whatever was going on out there on the sands now that the hatching was officially over, might seem a hundred miles away, what with hatchling hunger pangs being all distracting and such. J'en sees to a few of the new weyrlings himself, namely Cinni, Xh'vyr and R'and, while the other weyrlingmasters take their own bunches. He leads his trio over towards the barrels of chopped meat that have been set up, "Yer lifemates seem like they're starvin' but they ain't…that means ya gutta be careful in 'ow much yer feedin' 'em at a time. Too much, an' they're choke…so…only a handful at a time and make sure to remind 'em to chew real good before swallowin'…"

Is S'van supposed to be in the barracks? Welp, doesn't matter cause he is. He very definitely is. And looking not-so-very-happy, either. Sulking? Now. Scowling? Ho-yeah. But he's also very much not getting in the way. Just… leaning over here, staring and looking very threatening.
Sulking? no.

"I don't care that it's not ten herdbeasts, it's still meat," comes the argument from Xh'vyr, who does not look at all dazed about this, but instead as stubborn as his not-bent-and-definitely-not-broken Zaeldhiyth, who has his nose in the air and is taking a moment to snub this idea of pre-slaughtered meat. "Your claws are too soft to kill anything any.. are you freakin' kidding me?" Xhae finishes as the base instict takes over and Zae ends up toppling over a bucket of meat by sticking his WHOLE FACE in it. "If you're stuck I swear to Faranth we're going home RIGHT NOW." … and so it begins.

"Did you hear, greedy girl?" Cinni hovers over Ysleth feeding morsel after morsel. A new arrival catches her eye and after another piece of meat, she urges Ysleth to follow her. <I want you to meet someone. The reason we met.> Ysleth is having nothing to do with it. <Food> "Really, you can't eat more now. you just can't. Come and meet someone important to us both, the Weyrsecond."

Gently, as gently as one can manage with a dragonet, the two of them make their way to S'van. Cinni bows, a tremulous smile on her face which reddens when she feels the corners of her eyes moisten. "Thank you and Aedeleth for finding us."

"Choke and puke maybe. Dragon vomit sounds terrible." R'and was one of the last few to show up here again. Leaving behind what is sure to be hubbub. Moreth was intent on whatever the smell in a different bucket was, but his rider is quick enough to pick it up and make ready to feed. Nose bumping a bucket is satiated by flipping a hunk of herdbeast towards the dragon. Who promptly gobbles it up, chewing thoroughly only because no more seems to be coming.

Kinda hard to miss six-foot-five of scowling bronzerider, but lets be honest here, J'en totally had a S'van detector and it was ultra sensitive, or something. Spine straightening, golden eyes are cast over his shoulder back towards where the weyrsecond was leaning against the entryway, brows set to a furrow. Before he can do anything about that however, Xh'vyr is yelling and Aeldhiyth is knocking over barrels of meat, spilling its gory contents. "Oh for cryin' out fuc…" Bad assistant weyrlingmaster! Bad! "Xh'vyr, get 'em outta there, ya gutta make sure he ain't stuffin' 'is face too fast…" comes a rumble, looking over towards Cinni and her green hided lifemate and then towards R'and and Moreth. All of the eyeballing, really. What he wanted to do was go over there and see what was up with S'van, but there was just a little too much going on right now.

S'van? Still scowling. Still looming (see prior six-feet-five-inches mention in J'en's pose). But the approach of Cinni and her little Ysleth has him softening somewhat. Because it's not her fault there were shenanigans afoot! "Congratulations, Cinnitha…" comes with a flicker of that familiar smile, and grey eyes drop to regard the little green. "And Ysleth. Nice to meet you, too. And you are welcome. Aedeluth sends his regards." Probably in not-as-nice language but, he definitely sends them.

Aeldhiyth broadfasts freely in his brassy fresh-hatched anger, indignant and RIGHTEOUS: the sussurus of a city's bustle fades, background noise morphing into the angry mob rustle of an arena's jeering stands. « The bucket attacked me, » because everyone deserves to listen to his private communications with his rider, thank you, « It must suffer for what it has done. There must be justice. » Think about the children. The children. Xh'vyr brb, gotta go fight for the children. AKA unwedge Ael's head out of this effing bucket before he a) inhales all the meat in there or b) injures himself. "No, stop pushing, you're not making this at all easy. Do you not understand basic physics," mutter, mutter, and then with a squelchy POP, the bronze's blue-scarred face is free again, looking both emotionally injured and super bloody. "Okay. Stop. You can have one piece. ONE. But you have to chew."

Among the grouchy looking people is someone who is rarely grouchy…Reya. But she may have physically taken out her anger in some way or another, which means she's calm enough to be around young dragons. There will be a party soon, but first she's here to spy on the new weyrlings! The tiny woman slips her way into the barracks, and finally manages a grin as she sees the new pairs. Well, all of them except one get a smile. She'll find her way to the wall next to S'van. "Not too shabby, huh?" Xh'vyr's and Zael's antics actually get a full laugh!

"Sir," she says and then does exactly what she promised herself not to do. Wiping her eyes, the pragmatic healer, nods wordlessly and begins to move away. Turning back to look over her shoulder, "Oh! It's Cinni now. Or so Ysleth tells me." « He is bigger than I am ». Already, this has begun and Moreth gets a firm pat upon his shoulder. "You are the right size for me. I wouldn't worry about it. Besides. You aren't using a bucket for a helmet." « Helmet? » "It goes on your head..not important. Heres another." R'and flips another bit of meat to the Brown before he /finally/ notices that a lot of people are showing up. And he doesn't know that candidate. He'll search the room quick to find Cinni with S'van, and stands to head that way.

Tears at a Hatching are perfectly normal and somewhat expected, especially amongst those lucky enough to Impress. So while S'van is not terribly worried, there's a flinch and a frown for Cinni, and a lean in to inquire, "Are you alright?" because he's gonna make sure those are happy tears and not sad ones. And then there's a Reya, and she's laughing. Which just gets a *look* from the weyrsecond for a moment. "No one died," he decides, smirking just a bit. It's a smirk that says 'yet'. No one has died 'yet'.

Okay, good. Things were getting more managable, at least there is some relief when Xh'vyr steps in and debarrels his lifemate, taking charge and all that. Another look is tossed back towards the doorway. S'van, check. Cinni, check. Reya….wait. What? Reya? Oh ho ho, and at this point those golden eyes of his narrow to slits because he's totally got unfinished business with that little lady. Lady? Woman? Chick? Troublemaker supreme? Yes, that had a nice ring to it. "Cinni, is Ysleth finished eatin'?" he calls over, unable to see her tears, gesturing toward the barrels that were not currently upturned. "If that's the case, maybe ya'd like to oil 'er before she crawls outta 'er 'ide." Another wave of his left hand, pointing out buckets of oil and paddles with which to apply it. "There's shovels over there, if she take a crap." This said, he takes a moment to observe R'and and Moreth again, seeming pleased that at least of the three he's claimed for the interim seems to be behaving themselves. He takes this time to traverse the space that leads to S'van and Reya, a searching look given to each, even he flicks a glance towards the unfamiliar face and his green companion.

Xh'vyr doesn't have time to chat, but he does have time to glance upward to the knot of people currently .. peopling. He's got a smudge of blood on his brow and just a single, weary smile for Reya before his attention returns back down to Zaeldhiyth, who's already talking about the necessity of eating As MUCH AS POSSIBLE so he can be AS LARGE AS POSSIBLE so that he can protect AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE. "That's not how any of this works," Xh'vyr mutters to himself, his attention flickering upward despite himself. « Why is everyone so concerned about Vinelsieth's? He's one of us. » And just like that, Zael's done claimed another dragon's lifemate as one of his people. He even pauses while eating to level a baby-shark-scary look toward the knot of those wearing big knots. "Don't worry about it. Chew. Just chew."

Oh, the big bronze has all eyes on him wielding his bucketed head. "He gets to eat more because he is at least three times your size! Look your stomach is bulging! No bursting on my watch, Ysleth!" A voice comes to her over the hubbub of people and dragonets, "Oh! I am so fine!" Cinni wipes her eyes again. "Happy, so happy. NO worries, sir." They move on, a smile showing despite her wet face. Some people cry when they are happy, she happens to be one of them. Who knew?

J'en has managed to speak above the crosscurrent of voices and she raises a hand to him and nods vigorously. "Oil, sir! Then leaning over Ysleth, "More to meet and congratulate, come, my green beauty." Eyes whirling trustfully, Ysleth trundles next to Cinni towards the newest brown among them. "Congratulations,'s R'and now, isn't it? He's beautiful," she exclaims while stroking her green's neck.

Reya grins back the smirk and even shoots a wink in the Weyrsecond's direction. She'll let him talk about the tears given that emotions are not /exactly/ her greatest strong point…unless she's trying to rile them up. Finally as J'en comes over there's a bit more discourse on the subject of that /specific/ green pair. "Nothing we can do about them now…the others however…." The goldrider trails off, implying many things with her silence. She /tries/ to look reassuring when she looks over at Xh'vyr and the little bronze. She still might just look amused. "At least they all look happy."

Unfamiliar faces might just be the reason that S'van is here in the first place. And it is definitely the reason he was looking all broody and threatening and generally NOT his happy-smirky-self. But, as Reya has already stated? Not much they can do about that right now. "They're healthy. It could have been worse. Brungin…" is going to be fine. He saw him walk away so… He'll be fine. Right? Right.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get it. We'll save the world. But first you have to focus." And so Zaeldhiyth does, right until the point in time that he doesn't. Thoroughly sated by his bucket-helm experience earlier, the bronze rises to his baby-behemoth feet and moves toward the group of people. « We are happy, thank you, » the bronze responds for himself and his once-and-future Smithcraft impressee, taking charge of this whole little PR debacle from their point of the world. Xh'vyr's busy facepalming. « But I have an itch. A strong itch. An itch for the eternities. It needs to be damned to the lowest circle of hell. Fair maiden, would you do me the honor? » and then he sticks his headknobs right up into Reya's hands. He rolls a blue eye backward toward his lifemate, who is finally approaching with oil and a paddle and the faintest hint of murder (not really) in glinting grey-green gaze.

J'en's eyes follow Cinni as she takes her leave, nodding once to her, but he'll be keeping watch on the entire brood especially close given current events. Not only did he have brand new weyrlings to content with, but a dark runner as well. "Sure as fuck can keep a close eye on the little bastard," he mutters beneath his breath, far too quiet for anyone to hear other than the weyrwoman and weyrsecond considering they're the closest to him just now. And a close eye is exactly what he's going to do, but remarkably discrete for a guy more likely to punch first and ask questions later. To S'van he gives an apologetic and notably softer look, dropping his eyes to the toes of his boots, "I swear, I dun't 'ear nothin' about this. Somethin' was up, just…I missed it…somehow…" J'en can't linger too long in his guilt though, not when Zaeldhiyth and Xh'vyr had their thing with barrels, food equalling immediate gains in size, and picking up on the stirs of unrest. Cinni and Ysleth, R'and and Moreth, and most especially Vinelsieth and A'ti. Oh yes, definitely them. He didn't really have the time or the brainspace to be thinking about good 'ol mauled Brugin or anyone else not currently amongst those existing in the barracks. A nod is given in regards to the health of the hatchings, probably scheduling a good once over of them all once they had eaten, been oiled and we settling down to sleep.

Everyone is very happy. Moreth trundling along to catch up to R'and now that it seems he should wait a bit before eating more. "Brungin got it a bit. Cinni said it was going to be okay though." It was dark though, but its something and R'and clings to it anyways. Their small little trio impressed and that keeps a smile upon his face. Different colors too. Kaitlyn is /not/ here. Which surprises this brown-rider, only with how it irked him. Not everyone impresses, but he thought she would have. "So. What is going on? No lights. And I don't recognize him. Did I just never have chores with him?" Have out with it.

"The healers say he'll be fine now that they've gotten a good look at things." Reya smiles a bit before glancing over towards Vinelsieth, her green eyes whirling as she quite nearly nips off her life mate's fingers in an effort to get food. "I suspect he'll be kept on his toes from multiple angles." But she doesn't have /time/ to be all threatening and crazy because suddenly there's a bit hulking bronze shoving his head into her hands and honestly…the Junior just kind of melts. Her fingers go to scratch that itch and there's a broad grin for the new hatchling. "Fair maiden? Keep flattering me like that and I'll be more than happy to help with any future hide itches too." Her attention shifts upwards to R'and and there's a glance sent to both J'en and S'van. "We had some….unwelcome visitors. It was no one's fault." This last part is said firmly. "But we'll deal with them." But also cute /big/ bronze is gonna keep getting attention and until he wanders off!

On the sidelines, standing next to R'and, each of them with their lifemates to their sides, gives her view of the turmoil that Xh'vyr and the bronze manage to create. "Oh those two are perfectly suited to one another," she quips to R'and. "Oh, yes," she grins broadly. Mention made of Kaitlyn leeches the joy out of her face, "I don't understand. And who is that person. I certainly never saw them before." She falls silent frowning, "Brungin will be fine with some stitching. It's infection that we will have to watch…that the healers will have to keep an eye out for." Around her body, a little green head peers, nosing her, then peering at Moreth. "She says that Moreth is good looking. Really." Her eyes roll and she shrugs at R'and.

Baby ladykiller grunts softly in appreciation for Reya's skilled fingers, turning his head this way and that to maximize her magically itch-removing skills. Xh'vyr detours for oil, but pauses to furrow his brow at R'and's comment, pulling up more or less in the other Smith's vicinity. His eyes drop down to Moreth and his grin returns. "What are we talking about?" He's had his hands full, and all the drama of A'ti's impression was drowned out by his own from a timing perspective. Xhae takes a seat right there next to his lifemate, awkwardly paddling on oil with a glance back to J'en to make sure he's not totally FUBARing this. He tosses back to Cinni and R'and - ha, the trio did make it through! (he hasn't thought about the Kaitlyn angle yet, someday his thoughts will catch up with him) - "Who are we talking about?" Meanwhile, Zaeldhiyth butts Reya's leg firmly with his snout. « Unwelcome visitors? I will show them to the door. » His nostrils flare. Beat. « If you show me where the door is that I am to show them to. » Listen, he's new here, okay?

Unwelcomed visitors? That's the understatement of the turn. J'en huffs softly, the apology he'd voiced wrapped in a generous amount of guilt, remaining just there around the edges of his otherwise neutral expression. He was doing his best not to feel as if he wasn't in some way responsible for what happened out there on the hatching sands today, Reya's reassurances helping in part, but not entirely. After all, he'd been the one that had been specifically asked to watch and listen for something exactly of this nature and he'd failed. Can't do anything right, and all that. Zaeldhiyth and his headbutting at least gives the assistant weyrlingmaster the excuse to sidestep out of the way and give the weyrwoman the space she needs to accommodate a hatchling of his size. It seems to remind him to look out for the others, tossing his gaze towards where Cinni and R'and were with their lifemates, apparently getting along rather well. All good things. Vinelsieth and her A'ti? This compounds all that self-deprecation, cleverly hidden behind the mere downturn at the corner of his lips and the masklike appearance of his face just then. Sure, they weren't doing anything now, but what might be planned for the future. J'en didn't really have to worry about it, there were other assistant weyrlingmasters and THE high head-mucky-muck weyrlingmaster there as well to ensure that things were running smoothly depite the 'hiccup' in security, but that doesn't stop him from chewing minutely on the flesh of his bottom lip as he looks over at the greenpair.

R'and and his questions? They just get a firm look and a fake smile from the weyrsecond. And then a probably infuriating, "Don't worry about it." Because Sev? Not going to be discussing it with weyrlings. Weyrlingmasters? Oh yes. Assistant Weyrlingmasters that are also his weyrmate? Definitely. And while J'en is undoubtedly supposed to be doing weyrlingmaster-like tasks right now, that does not stop the weyrsecond from reaching out, hooking him around the waist, and pulling him in close for a swift kiss and a low murmur in his ear. And then a second kiss (to his cheek this time) and he releases him to go do those weyrlingmaster-things. Make sure Xh'vyr doesn't royally ruin Zaeldhiyth or something. S'all good. Can't really FUBAR oiling. Probably. "We've got it covered," he assures the bronze, sounding confident and firm and all sorts of 'THERE WILL BE DOOM' and stuff. Because Sev? Yeah. He'd definitely like to kick some ass right now but… you know. Rules and stuff.

"Ysleth seems really sweet, and she's quite pretty." Reya grins over at Cinnitha before there's a quiet chuckle at the little bronze who she's more than happy to keep scratching at. "But you see, I'd like to have a go at them first. Maybe after I've finished having my way with them I'll enlist your honorable service for something else, hm?" The weyrwoman glances up at J'en, a small frown pulling at her lips for all his /brooding/ but that turns to a smile once S'van's ALLLLL over that. "There's nothing that you guys have to worry about now, except for getting these guys fed and keeping them happy."

Moreth is content enough just to be /watching/ this sort of altercation. Food gone from his mind for the moment, headbutting into R'ands hip and waist instead. For scratching because that seems important. The Hatching sands weren't that bad. At least not for him. Hot. Some blood. Impressing, whether or not someone else showing up and impressing when they weren't supposed to doesn't affect him yet. Don't worry about it. Any other day that might not really halt him. But today it does. «I want that. The oiling. To be handsome.» Great, R'and looks towards Cinni with a restrained smile. Look what you've done. He is going to have a preening lifemate forever now. "You are already handsome. C'mon." For both dragon and rider, Ysleth and Cinni should come get oiled too.

There's a hint of something… does something smell? Xh'vyr's nose is the first to crinkle, but there it is: a carrion scourge promised from the westward wind, the scent of blood and viscera and death. Zaeldhiyth seems to be drawing up upon himself simultaneously, that blue chased with orange-red promise, and so therefore Xh'vyr grunts with effort and bloody lifts the bastard away from Reya for the time being. "Back over here." He rejoins the pair of R'and and Cinni, grunting with efort to let down the bronze who is now quite and well bloody worked up over being toted around like an invalid and not a righteous champion of the LIGHT, ps #forthealliance but for now… the food has hit and his eyes, wrathful as they might be, are lidding heavily. Xh'vyr heaves a massive sigh and starts oiling all over again. And then, rarity of all rarities, he looks up a smiles a particularly foolish grin at his pair of clutchmates, because — well — because.

"Yes, everyone is going to call you a beauty, my dear. Just wait, now we can go and get that oil." Nothing approaching the size of Zael, still she is a bundle for Cinni to trundle over to J'en. "Sir, I just couldn't get to you with all the press." Cinni excuses herself and grabs a paddle of oil. "Oh, you are going to /like/ this." Ysleth's eyes whirr at her clutchmate and her Weyrling starts to chuckle, "Oh Xh'vyr. I believe you are going to impress, hmmm, a lot of girls. Oh yes. Come on you," she chides Ysleth with a smile. "You are much, much too young to be noticing these things." Paddle, oil, baby dragon and sigh. In an aside to Xh'vyr, "I thought /I/ had the itch until just now. Congratulations. I think you two are going to have an interesting life together."

J'en was totally doing the assistant weyrlingmaster thing, looking for those times he needs to step in and intervene, but thus far he hasn't had to do much of that. Hatchings and the aftermath of said hatchings had they flurry of activity and its lulls, and the hustle and bustle was certainly tapering down to a lull at this point. Which is excellent, because it allowed otherwise preoccupied minds to think about more than one thing at a time. It's entirely possible that J'en was about to say much the same to R'and before S'van shuts the brownling down with his quick thinking, causing him to inhale sharply and look between the two briefly. A twitch of brows and he looks as if he's about to step off and away from the gathering at the door when an arm snakes out and coils about his waist, dragging him in close against a very familiar wall of muscle, "Sevran…" he growls, hands coming up to capture the fabric of the man's shirt or maybe even push him away, but a kiss lands squarely on his mouth. Well then. Quick or not, stuff of this nature does things to a person, and all that building tension (more felt than seen) wavers. The murmur planted against his ear sees to the loss of most of that stiffness, nodding a few times gently before his cheek is kissed and he's released. Released with a notable color shift to his cheeks, putting purposeful distance between himself and his weyrmate. Flustered or no, he totally had a job to do, wandering over towards the oil buckets and trying to focus on that instead of handsome bronzeriders. A glance is spared Reya, her new oily friend, that oily friend's oiler and then he's picking up a paddle. "Ya wanna make sure to get every crevice, R'and…" Then there's Cinni, dear sweet little healer-girl, and he's handing the paddle off to the guy who was once called Roriandor, "Eh? Uh, okay. Maybe work on gettin' Ysleth oiled up, dun be too concerned 'bout much else right now. She's gunna be gettin' tired soon and its hard to get those 'ard to reach areas on dead weight."

Reya looks like she's just about ready to gag and she is /definitely/ taking a step back once that bronze gets carried away. "Any of you babies have a nice mind you want to throw in my direction?" Because she needs some sort of relief from all that was /that/. Fuerioth's certainly not being any help, she's quite amused in fact.

Every crevice to be reached should be able to get gotten to, Moreth standing and stretching and arching this way and that to be easily oiled. A flicker of thought at J'ens mention of dead weight and R'and will very much focus on Moreth's udnerside. "I think we've impressed enough tonight, for this seven day and maybe even an entire turn.Yes. This way, turn…yes." Food is getting looked at again by the ruddy Brown. "Not yet. Soon." A wrinkled brown towards Ysleth, it is too early for that sort of talk. "She is lovely, Cinni." Because he hadn't said so yet. The large bronze dragonet closing in and getting attention has a hand pat-pat his flank. "Xh'vyr, that one is going to keep you awake with hunger for a long time. Just look'at'em."

Fingers flow with oil and love. It feels like it is their first private moment together as Cinni's hands search out all the tender spots under wings, the undersides of legs, the pale green belly. « Oh, good. Oooooh, gooood. » That earns a giggle from Cinni, "I've got the good spots, do I?" She moves from claw to claw with an extra rub down each taloned toe. "Your are going to love this part then, noisy girl." Ysleth's eyes begin to lid before her tail has even been reached. The hard to reach places except for the last bit of tail have been done. Both Weyrling and baby dragon are suddenly visibly drooping.

"I don't want to talk about it," Xh'vyr morosely replies to R'and, but frankly, his attention is focused more on his lifemate than the long hours he has ahead of him thanks to his lifemate. Honestly, he's too goofy about it right now, getting all the good spots, and being a little more reckless than people should when it comes to oil. It's still technically an hour that Xhae would be sleeping, so it's not a stretch to skip the feast and curl up right here in the straw with his suddenly-sleepy lifemate. Lifemate naps are best naps, y'all.

It be a disservice not to mention that it was still fairly late, not that much time having passed since candidates were awoken and a moonlit hatching occurred. Already some of the newly Impressed were picking out cots and herding their sleepy lifemates onto couches that right now were enormous in comparison. They'd grow into them eventually. J'en oversees Cinni and R'and oiling up Ysleth and Moreth, pointing out this or that spot that they might have overlooked, but overall seems satisfied with their progress. "Just a reminder, there is a feast if ya'll are up to attendin'. Your lifemates are gunna crash out and crash 'ard, so ya can step away long enough to mingle and get yer congrats from yer family and friends," he tells his trio, "But yer also gunna 'ave to step out if they wake up. Tendin' to them is way more important than anythin' else ya might be doin' at the time."

It is only one things have settled down, and the other assistant weyrlingmasters are obviously able to handle the still-awake weyrlings, that S'van pushes from the wall once again. A few long strides, a brief touch of J'en's elbow, and then he's heading very pointedly for the office. Because talking. It must happen.

J'en sees Xh'vyr and Cinni off, after making sure their lifemates are well and truly settled, a long look given to Vinelsieth and A'ti who are for the most part keeping to themselves. The touch to his elbow brings a startle, golden eyes upturned towards S'van, and he nods once. Yes, it was time to talk. With that he matches his weyrmate's stride, and the pair of bronzeriders disappear behind the door of the weyrlingmaster's office, closing it quietly behind them.

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