Deluge brings home the bacon..(aka Kalen gets the shock treatment)

Ocean - Monaco Bay, Weyr coast.
The darkling black of the sand merges with the crystal blue of the water, creating a brilliant and playful blend of color that fluctuates by sunlight and moonlight. Gentle rolling waves move ashore, protected against all but the violent sea storms. The cove spreads from the mouth of the river towards the ocean, mixing saltwater with fresh for an invigorating rush that is teeming with life. The weyr dock is located far from the river mouth.

The ocean is smooth as glass today, but it really the calm before the storm, as Kalen and Atlas are zooming out a head of a spring squall that is kicking up. It is heading away from Monaco but they still like to check the path not trusting the technology. And this time it was good thing they did, for the eye shifted and is now breaking due north instead of its more easternly heading.

Firith is skimming the air drafts, dipping awing and shooting off at a slightly downward path, just before he catches better air and zips upwards with the currents. He knows the sorm is shifting but E'vyl and the dark dragon are far enough away for the moment. Firith does a slow barrel roll, and flies sieways for a time, giving his rider a better view of below. A dolphin pair are spotted, but at this distance, it could be anyway. The dark dragon bugles a greeting and alters his course to drift a lazy spiral to get a better look.

Kalen hears the bugle from the brown dragon as he clings to Atlas's back, he is in his spring wetsuit as he waves to the pair. Atlas seems to be trying to turn to look at the pair as well as the dolphin slows down.

Firith rights his course and turns back, drifting lower for anothe flyby of the pair below. E'vyl's uniform is nearly the same dolphineer uniform material, but adorned with decorative piping and such for the Weyr design. He lifts his fist to signal below when Firith dips his wing and coast on the current. Another warble from the dark brown to the dolphin and his partner. E'vyl recognizes Kalen and sends his friend a huge grin and a thumbs up, questioning if he's alright.

Kalen nods and gives the ok signal before he points at the rain wall coming there direction from the storm. He motions tht he is heading back towards the weyr, as the wind is starting to pick up. There is the sound of thunder cracks in the not to far distance, Atlas swims in a wide arc and makes for home. Kalen is grinning like a fool now as adrenaline takes over as they are going to once again out run a storm.

Firith swoops lower, skimming just a meter or so over the water flying next to hte pair a few long seconds before Firith's speed overtakes them. E'vyl signals that hthey will circle back up and escort them back. Soon the brown skims ahead, wings canting just so and they go shooting up, wingings beating to grab huge air. It's not long before they have gained decent altitude and begin coast from one upcurrent to another. The clap of thunder causes E'vyl to crae his head around and study the coming darkening storm, but onward they go back home.

Storms are not uncommon and while this is no hurricane the undercurrents are still pretty bad, as the waves start to kick up Atlas and Kalen will dive down to resurface and keep going. There is a faint smell of ozone in the air now, and other thunder peel is closer now. The dolphineer looks worried as he waves his high flying friend off, he and atlas can Dive away if need be but that large brown makes a big target for the lightning.

Firith is having too much fin to run away home right now. Even if there is a storm chasing his tail. E'vyl catches the signal for below, but he's hesitant to fly ahead and leave the pair so far out. Another clap of thunder does cause the brown to flinch and quicken the beats of his wings though.

There is a FLASH and everything below goes white as the lightning arcs out and touches the water. The air burns and the sea boils, below the dragonpair there is no sign of the dolpineer or his partner. Dead fish float up as the water steams the area the storm grows closure.

The sea is in a tumble now as E'vyl is flying in front of a spring squall that has shifted from the satellites projected path. It is picking up speed and lighting has started to arc, it isn't safe at all now. One such lightening strike reached out and hit the water below Firith where the journeyman dolphineer Kalen and his partner Atlas where last seen, and neither have been seen resurfacing as the air is thick with burnt salt and the smell of ozone.

Firith wobbles suddenly at the closeness of the lightening strike, the dark brown instinctively altering his coarse and bolting away from the imediate area as fast as wings will allow it. He and his rider were escorting a dolphin pair. But now they can't be found. Below dead fish and floating up, bobbing on the water's surface, but no sign of Atlas or his partner Kalen. Firith spins around at a very sharp angle and skims lower, canted slightly as E'vyl leans as far as he dares to search for his friend below. "Kalen!" He shouts as loud as he can as the wind and thinder clash to whip his words right away.

There's a cold gust of wind that doesn't come from the storm, a flicker of bronze that isn't the lightning. Garouth appears, wobbling in the air as he adjusts to the gusts of the storm. D'lei leans from his neck, strapped in securely - which is good, given how his dragon is bouncing. He tries to scan the water, searching for any sign of anything… well, alive.

The wind is whipping now, as the seas start to churn, other dolphins are on the water now, not the local pod from Monaco but some that live out in the deeper waters. They are diving and resurfacing, one pait starts jumping and making as much noise as they can to draw attention there way.

Firith skims as low as he dares while E'vyl leans over his side, eyes darting evrywhere as he scans the surace. The dark brown bugles to Garouth when the Wingleader pair arrive. « They were right near here at last visual. » And not too far from them the wild dolphins start jumping and squeeing and clicking. Their voices lifting up against the stiff winds where E'vyl's shouts were vitually unhead. The brownrider signals to D'lei, gesturing emphatically towards the signaling dolphins before Firith surges upward to gain some altitude to stay flying.

That bugle only barely carries over the sound of the storm, but Garouth can sense Firith's presence even so. « Noted. » He spreads his wings, surveying the crashing waves - but wait, what's that? E'vyl's gesture helps direct his attention to those wild dolphins, jumping and chittering, and D'lei gestures acknowledgment. « We go. » Garouth flicks his wings before he folds them, taking that dangerous dive toward the waves with his talons extended, seeking to dip through the waves - and if he's lucky as well as good, he'll have enough speed to continue his swoop and rise again after that dive. D'lei clings low to his neck, providing as little target for the wind as possible.

The wild dolphins are there and they have pulled the listing Atlas, the bull dolphin is alive but blistered and clearly dazed. Clinging to the fin is the young journeyman whose wetsuit has dissolved and his skin is like wise blistered and raw he isn't moving and is having to be supported by another wild one. The waves are getting rougher now as the Garouth dives he might have a hard time grabbing both human and dolphin.

Firith surges higher with straining beat of his wings. But he grabs more and more air til he can level off safely. E'vyl is craning his head aorund, trying to keep an eye on the dolphin's below. Finally he sees the mangled pair being nudged upwards by the wild pod. From this height, he's hard to see them clearly, but Firith's sees a more grisly scene below, which he shares with his rider. E'vyl leans ofrward, much as D'lei did, and practically lays flat against Firith's dark neck. Firith holds his space for a time, watching as Garouth makes a dive and attempt to snatch one of the victoms. A few seconds later, E'vyl directs Firth to dive, zooming right after Garouth, working to time it so he can snatch the second as soon as the bronze is clear.

Dive, dive, dive! The waves are rough and choppy, the air above equally wild. The thunder rumbles, threatening more lightning, but Garouth keeps diving, wind whipping past from his own motion in addition to the turbulence of the storm. His talons extend, spread wide as he descends and crack! His wings snap wide at just the moment when he hangs above the wild pod, his claws curving around Kalen in a bony cage. If the dolphineer is conscious, he'll probably be screaming now with that firm grip against blistered skin - but those claws have him, and Garouth's wings beat against the storm of wind and waves as he seeks for altitude once more, leaving Atlas in the care of the other dolphins - for now - as he rises to a safe - or at least less dangerous - height from which to between.

Not a movement or sound from Kalen, his eyes aren't even open and his hait is burnt and smoking, someone needs a hair cut now. As the man is lifted by the dragon Atlas looks to be in at least better shape, than his human counter part. The winds and sea are fight back against the dragons to keep its vitcims and sink them cown.

Firith fights the gusting wing as he tries to toss him this way and that. The brown altering his path with each sideshit and trying to as sraight a line to the dolphin as the slamming winds will allow. Once Garouth is clear, he slpas wings to his sides and streamlines, barrowing down faster. He bugles a warning to the dolphin's below, hopefully they'll take the hint and bugger out of hte way unless they wanna go for an intresting ride. Wings snap audibley with a cracking sound nearly as loud as the thunder. Legs and claws extended, the brown has litle time for a cofrtable grip, merely tying to get a firm grip on the dolphin without adding extensive damna to his fragile slippery hide. The bugger is almost difficult to keep hold of as Wings beat, pushing Firith upwards against the storm's wishes. A few more straining chest muscles later and the pair have gained more air to they won't dip into the water. « I've got the wiggly mammal. »

Garouth struggles against the wind, his wings beating strongly even as the dripping tatters of their trailing edges toss in the gusts and show the battle his muscles make with every flap that lifts him - and Kalen - and - a burst of stormy rain sends them falling in a weightless lurch, falling toward the waves as he arches those wings wide, large targets for wind and lightning - but his only option to have the altitude he needs. He's low still in the sky, not nearly to a safe distance from the waves, but there's a shiver of static in the air, a growing scent of ozone that dragon and rider recognize with a shared thought, and Garouth's mind reaches to Firith with an order as sharp as biting as the wind, as abrupt as the lightning that gathers to strike. « Between. » The coordinates of Monaco, the clearing between caverns and shore. « NOW! »

Monaco Bay Weyr - Cove Beach
Sparkling black sands are gently washed over with crystal blue waters, creating a playful blend of colors that twist and meld under the alternating rays of sun and moon. The cove stretches out from the mouth of the river towards the ocean, mixing saltwater with fresh for an invigorating rush that teems with life.
The coast curves eastward, the waters growing more quiet along the broad expanse of beach before finally meeting a large cove. Here there are few waves, the ocean's movement reduced to little more than slight swells. What might have been an idyllic and peaceful area however, is interrupted by a brilliantly gleaming structure that stands on the edge of the sands.
Large steel poles soar upwards, supporting a staircase that leads to a pair of water slides. The height of the structure is remarkable, standing at a height comparable to that of a small gold dragon. Pipes pump water upward, creating small pools at the entrance of both plastic blue slides. The rush of water moves with the slides, following their twisting course downwards while easing their passenger's journey. Parts of the slides are open and others covered, creating a thrill for each voyager before unceremoniously dumping them into the still waters below. For the safety of all patrons, a large net has been drawn across the mouth of the cove to prevent any accidental drifting away.
Not far from the slides is a small stand that also seems to have been built just recently. A menu is posted on its side and displays a variety of drinks and snacks for beach goers.

The dragons break from between over the cove beach, the local pod of dolphins is in chaos as they know one of there own is injured. Dolphin healers are already there ready to receive Atlas and people are on the beach. Kalen still isn't conscious but from the looks of his injuries that is a small mercy, Atlas on the other hand is awake and talking as loud as he can whether it is happy or not is debatable.

Firith doubts very much that Atlas is a happy camper at the moment. When the dragon appear, Firith announces his arrival, bugling to any challenging dragons. Atlas is grasped between Firith's taloned paws, held to the brown's chest to try smoothing the turbulant ride through the gusty winds. Firith resettles his wings and glides down towards the shore. He'll skim as low as he can without faltering and crashing into the wate, before releasing Atlas to the pod and those helping them. Patient delivered, he veers off, landing at a safe distance.

The scent of ozone wafting after the dragons is a reminder of how narrowly they escaped that second lightning strike. Garouth holds hte unconscious Kalen in his talons, flying in toward shore with hasty flaps to glide in toward the beach and seek the signs of healers waiting, a stretcher or cart to which to deliver the human patient in his claws.

C'rus had been summoned all the way from Xanadu to assist. He'd been having a quiet night at home with his werymate when the call went out. Since Kera was unable to between he was sent instead. He'd quickly gathered some necessary things and thrown them into his bag and jumped atop his blue and betweened to Monaco. He was then directed toward the beach to recieve the patient. The journeyman also has several apprentices in tow from Monaco. They are ready with that stretcher to take Kalen immediately from the beach toward the infirmary where he can be looked at and treated. Though C'rus is already going through the likely injuries in his head. Lightening is a tricky thing.

Kalen is burned and blistered, his fully external injuries can be seen as half his chest and all over his back are burned and puckered. there is a burn mark on his face and his hair is singed good too. From the look of the strike the dolphineer took the hit covering his partner with the rubberized wet suit. He is breathing but it is shallow and rapid, heart rate is erratic and he twitches slightly.

E'vyl unstraps from his dragon and slides easily tothe sand. The healers are swraming towards the injured dolphineer and he the pod and dolphineers are seeing to Atlas. E'vyl moves along his dragon's side, checking with his own eye that Firith is alright before moving forward to rub the dark muzzle. For th emoment, he lets the healers to their thing and waits for the Wingleader's orders.

There's the stretcher! Garouth swoops down for it again, less steep a dive now that he doesn't have to fight the wind and storm. His wings cup the air, the wind buffeting the hair and clothing of the healers as he sets down with hindpaws to the sand and delivers Kalen to that stretcher with as much care as possible… which still is less than ideal for such an injured patient, but at least he's in the healers' care now as Garouth hops back to settle forepaws to the sand as well. "E'vyl saw the incident if you need details," he informs C'rus as the apparent healer in charge, with a point to the brownrider to clarify who he means.

C'rus stays clear of the stretcher as the dragon lays the man on it. Once Garouth is out of the way C'rus and his crew of healers move in to do a preliminary check on the patient. He reaches down to check his pulse and finds that it is erratic to say the least and from what he can see with the burns there is just alot of damage. It's easy to tell from the pattern of the burns and the fact that he came in front the water just what the source is, "Lightening." he says with a quick nod. That much electrical energy can damage the heart and burn the body and right now Kalen is the perfect example. He motions to the apprentices to pick up the stretcher, "Time to go to the infirmary." He glances to the riders who brought him, "If he has any family they should be told." Not everyone is lucky enough to survive a lightening strike.

E'vyl soothes his brown's cheek and shoulder while the Healer's take in the damage to his dolphineer friend. After a moment, he moves forward, hovering on the outer fringe well out of the frantic healers' ways. Stepping forward almost reluctantly, E'vyl nods to the Journey's words. "His sister is the Weyrleader's, weyrmate." He grudgingly offers, admitting that she probably isn't /just/ a bedmate. Crazy yea. Dangerous, Hell yea! But even so. She should know about her brother. "Syd needs to know so he can tell her." MEaning, HE ain't gonne be th eone to tell.

D'lei swings off Garouth's neck once the bronze is stable on the sand, with a brisk nod to C'rus's statement. He glances out at the waves to check that Atlas is in good dolphinhealer hands - which he certainly seems to be - then brings his attention to E'vyl to listen to what the brownrider has to say about that family and nod. "Right. You write the incident report, I'll inform the family." Someone has to do the hard parts! That big knot of his comes with responsibilities, after all… and so the bronzerider looks to his dragon, seeing if Garouth can come up with a location for him to start searching for Lyzaen… or S'dny, depending.

Having gotten the word from the pod that includes her own partner, Lyzaen is quick to come running from the direction of the end of the dock where others might be seen. She was just quicker. Dori knives through the water, still 'shouting' at the petite dolphineer who's headed for the dragons and riders on the beach, "Kalen??" She's shouting for her brother, mismatched eyes scanning for him and his partner, Atlas.

Kalen is out cold on the stretcher looking like the last time Lyzaen tried to make fried fish while on the sauce. He is breathing though and Atlas is being taken to the little cove off the beach by the dolphinhealers. He is not awake, nor even remotely moving to external stimuli.

C'rus doesn't care who tells the relatives. That's not his primary concern. His patient is. Though when he spies someone calling a name he can only assume that this is family or at least a friend, "We are going to move him to the infirmary now. He's been struck by lightening. It is serious." C'rus might normally be more communicative, but he's busy and has to stay that way. The two apprentices pick up the stretcher and begin to move off toward the infirmary. He looks back toward the group, "Family is welcome."

E'vyl nods to D'lei's orders after he reports where to find Kalen's family. Heading to C'rus, he'll crouch by the healer or stand he he's standing, and explains what happen in a litlte more detail. "Firith and I were out drifting between the currrents, and ht estorm stoarted picking up and shifted suddenly." He glances towards th eburned dolphineer. "He and his Atlas were swimming very far out. They turned back when they storm started getting worse but they lightening struck too close. The second one got then nearly. So it was two strikes to the water. Fish were floating everywhere." He finishes off that bit and glances back towards the beach as Lyzaen come storming ahead.

Sometimes, you need to search for the victim (or, well, the family of the victim). Other times? They come to you. That shout of Kalen gets D'lei's attention, head jerking up from his look to Garouth to identify the source. Aha! There she is, and the wingleader leans into a jog along the beach, moving to intercept her. "Kalen was hit by lightning." Leading with her brother's name to get her attention, getting the context out there fast. He's got this! He hopes. D'lei takes a quick breath while that part sinks in, and follows it with, "He's alive, but it's not good." Aka BAD. So bad. Cluster of healers style bad. There they go now!

Lyzaen is running down the beach, but soon intercepted by D'lei as healers are taking Kalen off on a stretcher. Turning her worried gaze from her quiet brother to the wingleader before her, she listens to what is said before she blinks, "Lightening hit them both? Out on the water?" The words spill out, as if she's making sure she heard him correctly, "And Atlas? His partner?" Maybe she missed seeing the dolphinhealer working on him so worried about her brother. She knows well how bad it is, "What the shard was he doing out there?" She asks, likely muttering to herself, trying to figure out what he was doing. "I'm going to smack him… I swear…"

Extra crispy Kalen with a side order of dolphin smell is what is about, smack him Lyzaen that always works right!

"Smacking him would not be recommended right now." C'rus says as he gives directives to the two apprentices to be careful as they move him. These sorts of cases are touch and go and more trauma is not desired." The two pick up the stretcher as gently as they can and all four of them set off toward the infirmary. The others are welcome to follow, though C'rus will likely keep all but family out of the infirmary until the patient has been stabilized.

D'lei nods to Lyzaen. There's a measure of relief for his own small part of not having to deal with disbelief or denial, but it's greatly overshadowed by the somber nature of his report to her. "With the healers," he says of Kalen's partner, pointing out to the water where the dolphin that he presumes is Atlas is surrounded by the professionals at that particular task. The rest of her questions… D'lei has no answer for, just a spread of his hands to go with that bad-news expression. "I can have someone send a report on Atlas to the infirmary for you, if you want to go with your brother." There he is, leaving on that stretcher!

S'dny makes his way toward the beach in time to see people go. Such is the way things seem to go with him. He spots D'lei and E'vyl there and hears them say where they are all headed. So he'll join the train toward the infirmary, walking next to Lyz.

Really, Lyzaen isn't going to actually smack her brother. At least not right now. Maybe later, after the healers have done their thing, and he's healing good. Maybe then. Taking a deep breath, she releases it, her head traveling over to the water where the dolphin healers are working on Atlas once pointed out by D'lei. "Oh…" Dori is there, no doubt swimming around them, the pod kept to the side, all worried about Atlas. With the healers heading to the infirmary, she will turn to head that way, though her hand seeks out Syd's once the Weyrleader joins them all on the beach, "He got hit by lightening. Twice." The information is spoken in a voice that trembles in true worry for her brother. Sure, the twins might fuss and fight and all, but there's no denying that they care for one another as well.

Monaco Bay Weyr – Infirmary
A long series of caves, each well lit with electric lights and featuring walls and floors laborously chipped smooth. A triage cavern/waiting room serves as the nexus between the doorway to the lower caverns and the tunnel leading to the infirmary weyr and is furnished with a soft rug, comfortable chairs, and a bookshelf with books to read while waiting. To the one side of this central area is an emergency surgery cave: steel-topped cabinets on wheels situated around a central table, with a sink and storage cabinet. To the other side, narrow man-made hallway links the healer's office, a small staff conference room, an examination cave, another surgery room, a storage cave, and several caves set aside for those patients who need to stay in the infirmary for an extended period of time.
The major doorway that leads out into the clearing beyond is a heavy one that rivals the sturdiness of the one guarding the Commons Cavern's main entrance. Put in to hold out the foulest weather, it generally stands open except in the worst of storms, a small bell on its far side allowing for letting in of stragglers who were too late to be let in the main doors.

The apprentices and C'rus have gotten Kalen into one of the beds in the infirmary and are working on him. "It's good that his heart is still beating. Thats a good sign though we'll have to wait and see how much damage is done." It's entirely possible that there will be some. The heart is a muscle just like everything else in the body and can be damaged easily by things like this, "We'll have to keep an eye on him too to make sure his brain wasn't affected." He continues to direct the apprentices as they work on the burns.

Lyzaen will arrive not too terribly long after the healer and apprentices get Kalen settled in. She's holding the hand of S'dny, more like clutching it tightly in her worry for her twin. She doesn't approach too close, standing there, half listening to what's being said, and no doubt, growing more and more worried about Kalen. Biting her bottom lip, she doesn't even realize she's got tears rolling down her cheeks.

S'dny will follow in right after Lyzaen. He isn't exactly family, but he isn't going to leave Lyz to deal with this herself. It's too big of a thing to just abandon her like that. He'll be holding that hand of hers very tightly. Unwilling to let it go. Syd is no healer but nothing that the healer is saying sounds remotely good. "It's going to be ok Lyz." he says to her softly. He can't be sure of that, but he wants to comfort her and words are all he has at the moment.

Kalen laid out like a slab, once the wetsuit is striped away his chest over his heart is scared. The scaring looks like a dead tree as it branches up the side of his neck and over his back, the main burns and blisters are on his back as it looks like he was using his body to shield something. His breathing is improving but his eyes are still closed.

C'rus will let the apprentices continue to work on the man while C'rus turns to face the family. His beside manner might leave a bit to be desired but he does have both good and bad news to impart, "Ok. Here's what we are looking at here. He was struck by lightening. Obviously this has caused damage. I'm not sure the extent of the interal injuries but we can see there are burns. It is serious and he might not make it." the healer says going for the bad news first, "But the good news is he survived the intial trauma and his heart is beating. We can offer supportive care and make sure that the burns get cleaned and that he stays sedated."

Lyzaen leans in against Syd as he stands there, offering his own words of comfort to her as they await to hear how bad it is exactly from the healer. When C'rus turns and approaches, offering her both the bad and good nes, she listens without comment, letting him get it all out before she finally asks, "How long do you think it will be before he might wake up?" She's noticed her brother is out of it. "Did the lightening hit him directly, or was it the water nearby? I heard something about it hitting twice?" She's making sure she heard correctly. Though there are still tears rolling down her cheeks, her voice is quiet, firm. She might be falling apart, but she's holding herself together as best she can at the moment.

Syd will be a supportive leaning post for Lyz. It's important for him to be there for her just like she was there for him when he had been in Kalen's place. Though his injuries had never been lifethreatening. He'll nod when the healer explains his condition and silently support Lyz as she asks her questions. He has similar ones but it isn't his place to ask.

Kalen will start twitching before his body calms down, his heart seems to be slowing but is still beating like crazy. Eyes are fluttering though and he babbles, no real words but it sounds like clicks and whistles.

C'rus glances back toward the burns on the man. "It's possible." That he was struck twice. "If it hit the water nearby he probably got less of a blast but still enough to cause the burns so at this point it basically comes out the same." C'rus moves back toward him to attend as he starts to twich, something to expect with that much electrical activity blasted into the nervous system, "It's difficult to predict when he will wake. Or if he will be mentally intact when he does." C'rus isn't the sort to sugar coat it. "We'll have to see what happens." He directs his attention back to his apprentices.

Lyzaen nods once more to the answers supplied to her by C'rus, but once he turns back to tending to her brother, she tilts her head into Syd's chest for a moment, drawing in his strength until she hears the clicks and whistles from Kalen. Turning back, she answers him in turn, much the same way, no doubt earning a few looks from the healers who no doubt, would like their patient to calm down.

S'dny is not completely familiar with the ways of dolphineers. And this would be one of those things. He will hold Lyz until she turns from him toward her brother who is making those odd sounds. He doesnt' say a word, knowing that at some point all will be explained to him.

A few hours have passed into the night, Kalen is now more or less stable as far as the heart goes, the rest of him is still unknown. One of the apprentices are changing his bandages, and there is a soft groan saying "ouch that hurtz" his speach is a little off but that is to be expected when you touch the surface of a star.

No doubt, Lyzaen refused to leave, at least until she was certain Kalen might wake up. Given some chairs or even a cot or something to sit and half doze, the complaint issued by Kalen is enough to get her jumping up and heading for his bed, "Kalen?" It's not shouted, spoken quietly, followed quickly by a tease, "Don't you give the healers any problems.."

Kalen is lucky not to be dead. So the fact that he is awake and speaking, however strangely, is a good sign. Syd hasn't left either. He has stayed with Lyz in the infirmay as they have waited on Kalen's progress. And it seems there has been some!

Kalen groans and just says "Blow it out your hole sis, why is this guy pealing my skin off?" he still isn't right in the head, if ever. The healers also have shaved half his head to look at the spider scaring up behind his ear.

Lyzaen reaches the bed, and touches him lightly on an arm or smoewhere's not burnt, "You're in the infirmary, Kal. You and Atlas got hit by ligtening from a storm while out in the water. You were brought in by E'vyl and D'lei and their dragons…" The comment is given softly before she leans in to kiss him on the cheek or forehead, as long as she can manage tod o so somewhere's not burnt as well. "I haven't told mum and da, though they might have heard it through the dragon grapevine.."

S'dny sits in a chair near the bed, though not on it like Lyz is. That would just be strange, "You really should let them take care of you." Syd says somberly, it is good that he is talking though. Shows that what the healer said about his brain didn't happen. If their parents do end up coming it will give Syd a chance to meet the parents. What a great set of circumstances to do so.

Kalen istill blinking and half focused saying "It must be bad, your being nice to me…" He looks at her and says "Where is Atlas?" yup self who cares, sister is find so next is dolphin. "Is he ok, I will go…" he moves and his head swims as he leans forward.

No doubt, he's got both his sister and the nearby healer quickly hissing and trying to press him back into his bed before he can get up much further, "Atlas is with the dolphine healers. He's got some burns as well, but you shielded him a great deal, and took a lot of it yourself…" A glance to Syd is given, her leg pressed to his, keeping that touch between them before she turns back to her brother, "You… yeah.. worried.. really worried." Which explains why Lyzaen is being so nice to him. "I still want to smack you in the head for being so far out. Alone. You know the rule about having a buddy with you. Besides your partner!" Surely there's rules about that sort of thing for a good reason!

Do you have your exit buddy? Buddies are good for this sort of thing. They keep you from making an actual exit. The news about his partner is good. While dolphineers aren't connected to their partners like dragonriders it still is less of a worry if Atlas is going to be ok. He doesn't move his leg leaving it there so that she can feel him being there. It has been a whirlwind last couple days, and it doesn't seem like the excitement is going to die down any time soon.

Kalen does lean back and says "just do it on the side that is numb, you can hit as hard as you want." He looks over at Ly "Laria has to be with him, I don't care if the local guy is older it is Laria. She is the best and you know it" and then he realizes Syd is there saying "Hey Syd, you bring a bottle with ya? seems to be a thing about drinking and infiramrys."

"I'll make sure she's tending to him… I think it was.." Lyzaen names the older healer there who was tending to Atlas at the moment. Soon, however, the healer is making shooing motions, "I need to finish this, and then give him some meds that will likely put him to sleep.." In other words, they're being kicked out so the healers can tend to Kalen. "I'll go check on him now…" That said, she slips from the bedside after another quick kiss to her brother's cheek. Grabbing Syd's hand, she'll head out to check up on the dolphin, either dragging the weyrleader with her, or letting him check in on Jaya and R'az and their moving.

S'dny has his hand grabbed by Lyzaen who is going to pull him out of the infirmary. He has only enough time to answer Kalen, "I"m afraid not. I think they would want you to be better first." And then he is through the door follwing after Lyz, who seems to be on a mission.

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