Nadina AKA Naddie


Small and slender is this young woman as she stands no more then 5'2" and weighs perhaps no more then 1l0lb.s, she's petite to say the least. Blazing red hair falls to just past her shoulders, trailing down over her back to end along the top of her backside. A soft tan chases off any paleness in her skin. Green eyes flecked with gold are enhanced by reddish gold lashes that help to detract from a pert pug nose with it's light sprinkling of freckles across it's bridge. Warm lush lips of cherry add a bit more color to her face along with the soft hint of a blush that her cheeks always seem to carry. The soft lines of her jaw melt into the roundness of her chin before tapering downward towards her neck.

Her torso is covered in a form fitting shirt of emerald green, tiny gold dragons seem to flutter endlessly about her neck with their neatly embroidered wings spread effortlessly in flight. Skimming down over trim hips and slender legs are pants of black, their hemline disappearing into jet black leather boots that cover her lower legs right down to the tips of her toes. Around her hips is settled a leather belt to match her boots and pants, the buckle is a trio of firelizards in flight done is time dulled silver.


Life was just a bowl of red fruit one could say, sweet and sour for Nadina. Born the third daughter of 5 children to a laundress, Nadina was just one of the many children that grew up in Reaches nurseries. Smart with a stubborn streak a mile wide is what many people said about the tossle haired red head, and others would say that Nadina's temper was the leading cause for her ending up in so much trouble as a child then as a teen. Through those rough teenage turns, Naddie worked hard to keep her temper under control as she worked long hours in the Living Caverns and Kitchen. It wasn't easy but she did well enough one could say.

It was when she was about sixteen and a half that her life took a swift turn when she upended a mug of cold klah into the lap of a taunting bluerider before running into the bowl where said riders lifemate was waiting. Instead of being soundly punished for what she did, Nadina ended up with a candidates knot instead. As the eggs rocked on that final day of candidacy, all those white robed figures seemed to break up into groups even as the hatchlings broke shell and headed towards them. Greens, Blues, Browns, Bronzes and somewhere in the midst of it all a gold came forth from an egg that sat way in the back of the clutch. Round and round the candidate she went, studying them all so intently before stopping at Nadina's feet. The new pair seemed to be evenly matched, Nadina and her Pyrith.

Weyrling hood passed with amazing speed, with few mishaps to mark the way. Nadina and Pyrith worked hard and fought hard « It's not my fault she's so stubborn. » Became a well heard phrase in many a dragons mind from the young gold. Their first flight and clutch came and went, and so came her first child though not as a result of flight. Young Drevan became the apple of his mother's eye and his father's pride and joy.

A few years after impressing, Nadina and her Weyrmate transferred to Eastern Weyr where the riders started a new chapter in their lives.


Name Relationship Position age
Sabilla Mother Laundress Nadina age + 22
Neran Father Beast Crafter Nadina age + 25
Calla Sister Nanny Nadina age + 10
Trisvin Brother Weyr Handyman Nadina age + 8
Vrella Sister Journaywoman Healer Nadina age +5
M'rtian Brother Rider to Blue Salezth @ High Reaches Weyr Nadina age - 4


Bronze Soot

What a handsome chappy this bronze is! His fine-boned head is a little on the girly side but he doesn't suffer for it; rather, the caramel-hued slope of his nose and the smoky whirls on his cheeks and 'ridges are made all the more endearing for his slightly feminine look. Down the slender arch of his neck is a rich, glossy shade of burnt honey, that flows out to evenly cover his shoulders, back and sides, even creeping onto the canopy of his wings - but there it fades into a darker shade of bronze, weathered and sooty 'sails and 'spars darkened with smoke at the very tips. This same hue coats his legs, too; from his belly to his ebony claws, he's sooty-shaded, but not without a hint of a gilded glow.

Blue Glacier

Cool blues run over the voluptuous curves of this little boy's body, ice and arctic wilderness blending into one to make him glacier-like and shimmering, as if crafted from the summits of the 'Reaches snow-capped mountains. Soft periwinkles dance up and down his ridges, and again along his paws, while volatile thundercloud grey dapples his hindquarters.

Green Heart

Petite and sturdy of limb, this dark, cloudy green carries herself with a sense of pride and focus, an unmistakable grace to her lithe form both when in flight and settled wherever she may perch. There's not an inch of her that carries extra weight, her muscles well-toned and her smoke-smudged wings wide. Small, artful ridges are rounded and blunt, flowing like ripples down towards a long tail that ends in a faint splash of rich azure, matching the light sheen to her claws.

Brown Stain

A dingy khaki brown makes up the bulk of this firelizard's hide, and there's certainly bulk to be covered. It's not that he's fat, exactly, but he's certainly not sleek. The spines running down his back are longer than they ought to be, and a dark almost black shade of brownr, yet they still manage to be lighter than his wings, which are a little smaller than most his girth, with a leathery texture. Capping all this off, there are several stains of different colours, dotted between his chin and his belly - here, a red tint, there, a slop of gravy brown, and a bit higher, a yellowish green mark.


All That Glitters Isn't Gold Pyrith

As raw ore roughly hewn from the ground, the brassy form of this regal lady seems somehow riddled with impurities. She's massive in size, both longer than most and bulky with hardened muscle as well. Her head is a large, rugged square of metal. Pyrite glitter marks the heavy jowls and traces the ridges over sharp, knowing eyes. It hangs on the proud dark gold column of her neck arched high above the ground, alert and ready at all times. Rough jagged ridges tumble down her neck and spill onto the broad plateau of her back. Powerful pyrite muscles ripple beneath the dark gold that paints her full deep chest, tight high abdomen and the sleek curve of her flanks. Wicked brassy talons strike the ground, a perfect match in color the bullwhip lash of her tail. A brilliant expanse of wingsail glitters in the sun with all the radiant draw of fool's gold. Her copper tones intertwine with bronze and brass tracing square crystalline figures in the gauzy spread. Only on their underside can one see any nuggets of true, bright gold.

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